HSE in Electrical Engineering (TES 4130)

A. Course Desciption

K3-Kelistrikan/HSE in Electrical Engineering (TES4130) is a course for the students of the 7th semester of Sarjana degree in electrical engineering at Universitas Riau. The course is taught by Iswadi HR, ST, MT, PhD, SMIEEEĀ  and Imam Suri Tauladan, ST, MT. In this page you can find material sources related to the course topics, such as:

  1. Dasar-Dasar K3
  2. Potensi Bahaya dalam Kelistrikan (Hazards of Electricity)
  3. Fisika Dasar tentang Bahaya Listrik
  4. Alat Pelindung Diri (Personal Protective Equipment)
  5. Peralatan Keamanan Pengukuran Listrik
  6. Metode dan Prosedur Keamanan Operasi Sistem Kelistrikan
  7. Perawatan dan Perbaikan Peralatan Sistem Kelistrikan berkaitan dengan K3
  8. Pencegahan Kecelakaan, Investivigasi, Penyelamatan yang berhubungan dengan Power System

B. Semester Learning Plan

RPS-Semester Learning Plan

C. Course Materials

I have provided the course materials in the slide and video format. The lecture videos are mainly from NPTEL India course. You can find the materials below. The materials will be updated regularly. To download the lecture slides, you can use your Unri Google Work Space (GWS) account, i.e: email_address@student.unri.ac.id ; email_address@lecturer.unri.ac.id ; email_address@eng.unri.ac.id ; email_address@staff.unri.ac.id

1. Course Contract

2. Lecture Slides

3. Lecture videos from others

3.1. Dasar K3 Kelistrikan

3.2. Hazards of electricity

3.4. Alat Pelindung Diri

3.5. Peralatan Keamanan Pengukuran Listrik

3.6. Metode dan Prosedur Keamanan Operasi Sistem Kelistrikan

3.7. Perawatan dan Perbaikan Peralatan Sistem Kelistrikan berkaitan dengan K3

3.8. Pencegahan Kecelakaan, Investivigasi, Penyelamatan yang berhubungan dengan Power System